

Welcome to the St Albans Heights Primary School Japanese program which the students call, (nihongo).

Students from Foundation to Grade 6 participate in weekly one hour classes learning how to read, write and express the Japanese language and to unpack and learn about the country’s culture and common practices seen in Japanese daily life.

The Japanese program is underpinned by the Victorian Curriculum Japanese Standards and the SAHPS whole-school learning throughlines taught every term, connecting the Japanese program with all the programs that are taught within the school.

St Albans Heights Primary School is proud to announce a Sister-School Partnership with Sakurai Elementary School, located in Yokohama, Japan! In the last 3 years, SAHPS has hosted numerous International Japanese teachers who have enriched the learning experience shared by our students through communicating with native Japanese speakers and to have first-hand experience participating in a cultural exchange with students through emails, letter writing and live video calling though the internet!

You will often find our students often greeting the classroom with our SAHPS formal Japanese greeting, then proceed to take of their shoes to wear or indoor shoes). These activities are some of the many cultural differences that students participate in during each Japanese session that students can share and talk about outside of Japanese classroom.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Thank you!

Suichi Sensei

© St Albans Heights Primary School